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thanks for your visit, scroll down to see the art gallery or click on the plus button to know more about this project.

gracias por estar aquí, bienvenidx a mi galería virtual de arte,



art gallery

Galería de arte fotográfico, pintura y multimedios digitales.

Any artwork of your choice can be printed on the items from the displayed categories.

If you don't see the one you like please contact us to make a custom order for you!​

Todas las obras de arte pueden ser impresas en los artículos de las categorías que se muestran aquí. Si no ves alguna pieza que quieras, escríbenos para hacerte un pedido especial!

Nephophilliac Collection photo
Nephophilliac Collection photo

Tienda de obras de arte y  artículos basados en las pinturas y fotografías.

Art store

Art works and print on demand items based on them.

SubAcuqScape Pillow


Here's a little playlist of my latest vocal recordings and electronic music production.

Click on the play icon below to read more about my musicality.

Demo Vocal Cover Gógó-Kúra (Lulu Rouge Remix) by Filippa Rose Φ
Demo Vocal Cover Gógó-Kúra (Lulu Rouge Remix) by Filippa Rose Φ
This is a demo vocal cover of Gógó-Kúra (Lulu Rouge Remix) Vocals and edit by @FilippaROSE Φ (unmastered) One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE songs💜, a first exercise from my first year of music production class and vocal coaching practice. There’s still so much to learn and improve, noticed the mistakes in the sample as I uploaded it but I'll keep them as part of the process✨ Thanks for your feedback and support ♡ #deephouse #cover #coversong #demosong #vocalcover #vocaldeephouse
Simply The BEST! Vocal Workshop Song Cover at EVC24
Simply The BEST! Vocal Workshop Song Cover at EVC24
This is the final presentation of the amazing "How to Make a Song Your Own" workshop by vocal coach Julie Miles at the European Vocal Camp 2024. We sang a cover of "Simply the Best" by Tina Turner in different beats to learn about different vocal styles from all the participants.

featured is also displayed on

saatchi art logo

subacqua scape

This is my first underwater photography collection. You can choose any image to make prints on canvas, metal or paper.


Shop items per collection, see all the variety of products than can be customized to your favourite style.

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